4YFN - Interview with Savia
Home News 4YFN - Interview with Savia

4YFN - Interview with Savia

FEBRUARY 23, 2023 BHH News
Barcelona Health Hub returns once again to 4YFN 2023, the startup business platform at the Mobile World Congress next month. At the BHH stand you’ll explore cutting-edge technologies, new tendencies and future solutions, provided by the BHH members. One of the companies you can meet at 4YFN, is long-time BHH member Savia, digital health by MAPFRE. Savia is the only digital health service that gives you free, 24/7 access to qualified health personnel in real time. They want to be by your side at all times, no matter what your life situation is, because health is much more than not having an illness. Today we meet with Pedro Díaz Yuste, General Director of Savia, who will share with us more about their expectations for this edition of 4YFN. Pedro, thank you for joining Barcelona Health Hub! It's great to see you back at the BHH stand at 4YFN. Can you please introduce yourself and tell us about Savia? Savia is MAPFRE's digital health platform. We are focused on immediacy, availability, prevention and control of personal health through care plans focused on the user. One of the main users of the benefits of telemedicine are companies. Savia provides emotional health, nutritional health, telemedicine, prevention and protection services. In this way, Savia can help companies with the well-being of their employees, providing an offer of 24/7 service. It also provides greater agility when it comes to preventing possible diseases and significantly reducing abstention from work. With Savia, health is in your hands and is 100% accessible from any device in Spanish territory. Can you elaborate about what’s new at Savia these days? One of Savia's distinctive features is innovation. We develop products and services putting our users at the center and listening to their needs. This year we have great challenges ahead, for example we're focusing on these four:
  1. A new service that will be called "Your personal doctor" that will allow the user to be attended by the same professional.
  2. "Digital Hospital" where the user can find both online and face-to-face medical services without waiting.
  3. We have been chosen as digitalizing agent to accompany small health companies and freelancers in their digitalization process through the "Kit Digital", an initiative of the Government of Spain financed by the European Union through the Next Generation funds. Being part of this process is very important for us because it allows us to have a 360º vision of the digitalization of health.
  4. Our commitment this year is to provide health services for companies. Through our wellbeing service, the employee can manage appointments according to their availability. And it gives to the companies the possibility of incentivizing their employees. In addition, the wellbeing service allows companies to know the state of health of their workforce and make better decisions when managing human resources.
Previous years you have been present at the BHH Stand as well - we're glad to see you returning to the digital health area of Barcelona Health Hub. Could you share why you decided to join once again? Barcelona Health Hub is a mandatory meeting point for all those who seek innovation in the field of health. In BHH, the news and predictions of what will come, and of what will be a trend, are concentrated, and for us it's a pleasure to be able to repeat the wonderful experience we had last year. You’re also participating in the #BHHPanel about "Digital Health Trends in Insurance". Can you tell us what would be your key message at the panel? I would like to share the sense of innovation we have at Savia, from the perspective of the main users of our digital health services, including companies, medical professionals, and users. And we are pushing this digital innovation into MAPFRE health insurance, in order to enhance it. Some examples, the way we ask our customer about its experience in every interaction with our digital services. What are you excited about these days at the 4YFN conference? As I said, I think 4YFN is a must for our sector and I would like to learn and share with the main players in the sector the evolution and progress that we have each developed in digital health. Last year we learned a lot about the world of startups in the health environment and it was very interesting to be able to share with those entrepreneurs their vision on the future of digital health. This year 4YFN will address very interesting topics for the future of digital health such as digital disruption in the pharmaceutical industry, investments in digital health or a key topic: women's health.
If you’re interested in meeting Savia, do not hesitate to visit the BHH Stand 8.1D30 in Hall 8 on Monday and Tuesday. Barcelona Health Hub is already looking forward to meeting you! More information here.
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