ACCIÓ and BHH team up to promote Catalonia in Germany as a European Hub in health
The Delegation of the Government of Catalonia in Germany, in collaboration with Catalonia Trade & Investment and Berliner Wirtschaftsgesprächen e. V., are organizing a webinar on Tuesday, April 25th from 15hrs to present the health and life sciences sector of Catalonia. Catalonia is one of the leading European regions in healthcare and life sciences.
The Catalan healthcare system is considered a benchmark in linking new technologies and has implemented an operational electronic health record.
Startups also play a key role in the development of new technologies and business models in the health sector. With its numerous successful ecosystems in the fields of biotech, medtech and eHealth, Catalonia has ideal prerequisites for playing a leading role in the healthcare industry in Europe.
BHH's Chief Communication Officer Marja Huiskamp will give an insight into the digital health ecosystem of Barcelona Health Hub. She will be accompanied by Montse Daban, Director of Science
Policy and Internationalization of Biocat, Juan Baselga, Partnerships & PR Director of Tech Barcelona and Javier Selva, CEO of CataloniaBio & HealthTech. Interested to learn more about the health ecosystem in Catalonia? Register HERE!