Barcelona Health Hub and EIT Health join forces
Last week, Barcelona Health Hub and EIT Health, one of the biggest networks of health innovators worldwide, signed a collaboration agreement. BHH and EIT Health share the same mission of promoting innovation in digital health, and this collaboration will benefit both, maximizing the impact in their ecosystems.
EIT Health connects approximately 150 partners and is supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union.
They collaborate across borders to deliver new solutions that can enable European citizens to live longer, healthier lives.
They connect all relevant healthcare players across European borders – making sure to include all sides of the “knowledge triangle” so that innovation can happen at the intersection of research, education and business for the benefit of citizens.
Together they offer a vibrant innovation environment, with close ties between businesses, startups, investors, universities, technology centres, university hospitals and healthcare providers, to drive and generate technology transfer, and social and economic impact.
The affinity of EIT Health with Barcelona Health Hub therefore is very clear: both entities work toward the digital transformation of the health sector.