Institut de Formació Continua of the Universitat de Barcelona and BHH renew agreement to offer a 10% discount of Postgraduate in Digital Health – #BHHMembersInitiatives
The Institut de Formació Continua of BHH member Universitat de Barcelona still believes in the importance of the digital transformation in health sector.
With the aim of training professionals in the health field to adapt and increase their professional development in the digital context that surrounds us and face new challenges, the Institut de Formació Continua of the Universitat de Barcelona offers again the Postgraduate in Digital Health! The Postgraduate is a part-time and remote course beginning November 3rd of 2023.
The students obtain all the knowledge and keys to develop digital solutions aiming at the patient, giving answers to the actual social needs. Moreover, the Postgraduate has been designed and it will be taught by active professionals with outstanding experience in the Digital Healthcare field. Also, the Institut de Formació Continua of the Universitat de Barcelona offers a 10% discount of the enrollment for all the members of Barcelona Health Hub. Find more information about this Postgraduate eduction HERE.