Webinar: Opportunities in Healthcare for Demonstrators & Use Cases of Data Sharing Spaces
Don't miss the upcoming webinar "Healthcare opportunities for data space demonstrators and use cases" on Monday, April 29th at 15:30 hrs.
This conference aims to present the opportunities in the health sector for the creation of demonstration centers and the implementation and exploitation of use cases of data spaces, within the call for grants, open until May 16th. It's organized by the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Administration, in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan-Next Generation EU (Sectoral Data Spaces Program).
- Institutional Welcome (PERTE Salud de Vanguardia)
- Introduction to the New European Regulation on Health Data (PERTE Salud de Vanguardia)
- Main session (General Management for Data)
- Sectoral Data Spaces Program in PRTR
- Introduction to data spaces: characteristics and requirements
- Call for demonstrators and for use cases of data spaces
- Practical Session: Examples of sectorial use cases of data spaces in Health Care
- Question and answer session
- Conclusions and closing
You will be able to connect to the meeting through the following link.
If the above link does not open, try copying the following text in your browser: https://minecogob.webex.com/minecogob/j.php?MTID="m7df5520aa940b13ec89939b787cd4a2f.