ABCDx is now collaborating with Andalusian hospitals
BHH member ABCDx is happy to share some exciting news about its collaboration with Andalusian hospitals. This news made a great impact and has been posted on several important newspapers such as Junta de Andalucía, El Español, Saludadiario, and more.
ABCDx collaborates with Andalusian hospitals to improve stroke triage inside ambulances. Thanks to a public-private grant from the Junta de Andalucía (PIP-0009-2021) the Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena/IBIS leads a study to evaluate the potential use of a rapid Point-of-Care device for the direct transfer of stroke patients with a large vessel occlusion (LVO) from the ambulance to the thrombectomy centers. The test works by measuring two biomarkers in blood and reading the results by an APP.
Currently, the follow-up period of the patients is ongoing, and the final results are estimated to be reached by the beginning of May.
After this study, it is expected that this tool will be easily used at the ambulances, and it will differentiate stroke patients with an LVO allowing their direct transfer to the thrombectomy centers.
ABCDx is improving the tool to make it even faster (10 minutes) and simpler (one drop of blood) having more biomarkers in the device (FABP/NTproBNP and d-dimer).
This type of collaborations is important to approach to the patient results of innovative technology developed at public centers through research that is protected and then licensed to biotech startups.
Find out more in this powerful video: