4YFN - Interview with Asho
Home News 4YFN - Interview with Asho

4YFN - Interview with Asho

JANUARY 5, 2024 Events

Barcelona Health Hub will shine again at 4YFN 2024, the startup business platform at the Mobile World Congress. The BHH Stand will take the center stage at the Digital Health Area, where you can connect with influential leaders, visionary investors, and the brightest minds in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

One of the companies you can meet at 4YFN is BHH member ASHO. They are the leading national company in the provision of hospital discharge coding services and automatic coding of outpatient processes: emergency, external consultations, day hospital. They offer consultancy services in artificial intelligence, quality, and IT.

Juli Climent Querol, AI Director of ASHO, is happy to share about their expectations for this next edition of 4YFN.

  • Juli, thank you for joining the BHH Stand at the upcoming edition of 4YFN. Can you please introduce yourself and tell us about Asho?

Coming from an economic background, I landed in the AI sector after finishing a Master's in Financial Markets, in which I discovered that the thing that I really liked were analysis, so I decided to study Machine Learning and AI. I have worked as Data Scientist in logistics for some years and, after a brief time working in a startup, I joined ASHO as AI Director.

ASHO is a company with 30 years of experience in clinical coding services, with a lot of market penetration and leader in his market niche. But after so many years of working with clinical documentation, ASHO realised that all that data is an incredible asset that could be exploited with Artificial Intelligence, and thats why I joined this project. Right now, we are expanding our AI capabilities and we are pivoting our company to tech.

  • Can you elaborate about what’s new at Asho these days?

ASHO has taken the determination to bet for AI and we are growing a lot. Not only in hirings, but also in projects and collaborations.

For instance, right now we are working in a software for patient security with FIDISP (the spanish referent for this matter) that can find the problems that happen during the attention or the treatment. That is specially important with meds, in which we have done a lot of work.

In general, we are pivoting the company from just clinical coding to tech and Artificial Intelligence, but having that coding background helps us a lot, because we know the language in which doctors, nurses, and more, express themselves, so they don’t need to change the way they work for ours tools. We help them they way they work.

  • This is your first time at the BHH Stand in the Digital Health Area of 4YFN. Could you share why you decided to join Barcelona Health Hub this year?

I've personally attended the MWC these last two years. I connected with a lot of companies and people in 4YFN. After being at MWC and meeting the team of Barcelona Health Hub, ASHO decided to join BHH. But it wasn't until last year that we decided that we had to be at MWC2024 in the amazing stand that BHH is preparing.

Whenever we are in the BHH Headquarters at the Recinto Moderista de Sant Pau, we always have a nice and productive time, and we are sure that will be that way in the 4YFN.

  • It’s still a few weeks away, but what are you excited about at the upcoming 4YFN conference? What can we expect from your stand?

We are very happy to be there and share with anyone our vision, project and products.

In our stand we will be doing demos and showing our algorithms, so we encourage people to bring their own clinical documents in order to show in real time how we work, specially with clinical coding and pharma.

We are also preapring some surprises for anyone that comes to visit us. Even if someone thinks that their product or company does not fit with ours, the visit will be worthy.

  • Is there anything else you want to share with us?

I encourage everyone to come and see our live demos at 4YFN, and regarding the dates that we are, the ASHO team wishes everybody a great year 2024.


If you’re interested in meeting ASHO, don’t hesitate to visit the BHH Stand in Hall 8 on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th of February. Mark your agenda for the upcoming edition of 4YFN and meet ASHO. Barcelona Health Hub is already looking forward to meeting you!

More information here.

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