4YFN - Interview with IOMED
Home News 4YFN - Interview with IOMED

4YFN - Interview with IOMED

JANUARY 30, 2024 Events

Barcelona Health Hub will shine again at 4YFN 2024, the startup business platform at the Mobile World Congress. The BHH Stand will take the center stage at the Digital Health Area, where you can connect with influential leaders, visionary investors, and the brightest minds in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

One of the companies you can meet at 4YFN is IOMED, a BHH member since the beginning of the Hub. Iomed’s healthcare data activation technology leverages the power of artificial intelligence to unlock valuable amounts of data. With IOMED, the healthcare sector gains a trusted ally in their quest to drive positive change in the healthcare ecosystem through the responsible and effective utilization of data.

Christine Doig, Chief Product Officer of IOMED, is happy to share about their expectations for this next edition of 4YFN.

  • Christine, thank you for joining the BHH Stand at the upcoming edition of 4YFN. Can you please introduce yourself and tell us about IOMED?

Over the last 10 years I´ve been in the U.S. leading product teams applying AI and Machine Learning to improve digital experiences in both small start-ups and Big Tech companies, like Netflix and Google. After losing my mother to cancer in 2020 I realized that I wanted to apply these new advancements in AI where it matters the most: our health. Using AI to find the next TV show to watch or help you write an email was a lot of fun, but not as meaningful as assisting doctors in measuring the effectiveness of a drug or identifying patients that could benefit from a new treatment.

Finding the right company took some time. There are a lot of healthcare companies and startups out there. But, I was really drawn to IOMED’s mission and approach to AI. If I’ve learned one thing in my career is that it all starts with the data. In healthcare today there are large volumes of rich written clinical notes, sitting there completely unused. We are missing so much data in healthcare to make better data-informed decisions. So, for me, that was the right place to start leveraging the power of AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP): unlocking valuable data from these clinical notes. And, doing it using existing open standards adopted by an international community like OHDSI with OMOP Common Data Model.

I, personally, want to make my contribution in changing how we use real world evidence. I know behind this data there are real patients looking for an effective treatment to improve or save their lives and I know we can use AI to bring them hope.

  • Can you elaborate about what’s new at IOMED these days?

I’ve joined IOMED at a very exciting time. The team has done such a great job demonstrating the value of real world data and facilitating healthcare professionals access to relevant clinical information more efficiently. To date, we have processed data from 21m medical records and we currently have more than 50+ strategic partners in the healthcare sector. These include hospitals and medical institutions, regulatory organizations, healthcare technology companies, as well as researchers and academics.

With the raised Series A last year, we’ve now been able to scale our technology to make it more efficient. We have a proven model to help expedite running observational studies and including more patients than traditionally done to strengthen the analysis. We are also finding new impactful applications for this data, like recruiting more patients for clinical trials or identifying patients that could benefit from new treatments. We are ready to expand internationally throughout Europe and increase the impact we can have, so more healthcare professionals, and ultimately patients can benefit from this technology.

  • Previous years you have been present at the BHH Stand as well - we’re glad to see you returning to the Digital Health Area of Barcelona Health Hub. Could you share why you decided to join once again?

This continues to be a key and significant event for anyone involved in Digital Health and we wouldn’t want to miss it. BHH and 4YFN provide a unique platform for us to connect with other leaders and professionals in digital health, share knowledge, and explore strategic collaborations. Furthermore, we are excited to contribute to the growth and development of the digital health ecosystem in Barcelona.

  • It’s still a few weeks away, but what are you excited about at the upcoming 4YFN conference? What can we expect from your stand?

As we approach the 4YFN conference, I am particularly excited about the opportunity to showcase our latest capabilities and case studies, and connect with other key players in the field of digital health. Visitors to our booth can anticipate engaging in-depth discussions on the impact of artificial intelligence in healthcare, while also having the chance to establish meaningful connections with our team and delve deeper into our technology and how we are finding new impactful applications for healthcare data.

  • Is there anything else you want to share with us?

I can’t wait to see everyone there this year at 4YFN 2024, the Mobile World Congress. It’s an exciting time for healthcare and AI, and the Digital Health Area will be the place to be.


If you’re interested in meeting IOMED, don’t hesitate to visit the BHH Stand in Hall 8 on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th of February. Mark your agenda for the upcoming edition of 4YFN and meet Iomed. Barcelona Health Hub is already looking forward to meeting you!

More information here.

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