BHH x Women’s Day: How femtech is shaping the future
Barcelona Health Hub once again joins the movement to celebrate the International Women’s Day, together with many of its BHH residents at the BHH Headquarters.
International Women’s Day is here to mark a call to action for accelerating gender parity. In the field of digital health, this day holds significant relevance as it highlights the need for women's participation in the development and implementation of digital health solutions. Women have been underrepresented in the field of digital health.
Let’s change this narrative and discover new solutions in femtech! On Thursday March 7th at 10 hrs, you're welcome in the Hub to join the event about BHH x Women’s Day: How femtech is shaping the future.
The event will be hosted by Nuria Soler, the energetic co-founder of Womanthon, who will give this morning session a great flow with brief talks about femtech. This event will be held in Spanish. Check out the agenda:
- 10:00 hrs: Kickoff event with Nuria Soler of Womanthon
- 10:30 hrs: “Activistas por la salud de la mujer” by DKV
- 11:00 hrs: “Endometriosis: retos y claves” by SANNO
- 11:30 hrs: break
- 11:45 hrs: “Matrescencia, la adolescencia en la maternidad” by Dana
- 12:15 hrs: “La nueva menopausia: descubre los síntomas, abraza las ventajas y explora tratamientos naturales” by Femme Up
Mark you agenda and be sure to sign up for this great morning event. Let’s connect at the BHH Headquarters on March 7th at 10 hrs!