GooApps will be at the XX SEER Congress 2022 - #BHHMembersInitiatives
BHH Member GooApps will participate as a sponsor in the next XX Congress of the Spanish Society of Radiological Nursing (SEER), organized in Gijón on September 29, 30 and October 1, 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused strong changes in the demands and limitations of nursing, which has had to quickly adapt to new practices and activities.
With the aim of bringing together and continuing to train different professionals in the field of nursing, the Spanish Society of Radiological Nursing (SEER) has organized its XX National Congress.
This event "Resilience in Diagnostic Imaging, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy in the face of unforeseeable situations: COMMON NURSING EFFORT" will take place on September 29, 30 and October 1, 2022 at the Luis Adaro Conference Center in Gijón.