Room Sanofi: Fhutura | Presentation of innovative projects in Hospital Pharmacy
Explore ‘Fhutura | Presentation of innovative projects in Hospital Pharmacy‘ in the Sanofi afternoon session, as another track of the Health Revolution Congress on May 16th.
Fhutura is a nationwide open innovation community in the field of Hospital Pharmacy driven by Sanofi with SDLI’s support, SEDISA’s scientific endorsement and SEFH’s quality and guarantee endorsement.
Fhutura facilitates the creation and acceleration of innovative projects addressing three main challenges in Hospital Pharmacy: improving patient experience, managing hospital pharmacy services, and enhancing communication among healthcare professionals. During this session, the six finalist projects from the 2024/25 edition and will be presented and the winning project will be selected.
The session offers an engaging journey into visionary projects, and leads to the selection of the winner, set to redefine healthcare’s future. You will witness the fusion of creativity and practicality as each project addresses healthcare challenges uniquely.
Don’t miss the ‘Fhutura | Presentation of innovative projects in Hospital Pharmacy‘ on May 16th at 16 hrs within the framework of the Health Revolution Congress.
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