The symptoms of burnout and how to prevent it with the EAP program - #BHHMembersInitiatives
Home News The symptoms of burnout and how to prevent it with the EAP program - #BHHMembersInitiatives

The symptoms of burnout and how to prevent it with the EAP program - #BHHMembersInitiatives

APRIL 21, 2023 BHH News
"Before it rains, it drizzles, and it's not the same to put down the fire of a match than to put down a fire in the forest", says BHH member Healthy Work. Before taking a sick leave due to anxiety or burnout, there are many signs that can indicate that an employee is burnt out. Being attentive to these signs and getting the right support can make the difference between burnout (with all that it can entail: medical leave, absenteeism, relational problems, etc.) and just the bad period that everyone can experience in their lives, whether they like it or not. Are your employees about to burn out? It is crucial to intervene promptly!
  • 76% of employees report moderate to high or high levels of stress.
  • 33% report that high levels of stress affect productivity.
  • The main cause of work-related stress is workload (73%). *Data on the prevalence of occupational stress in the UK (HSE).
Definition and signs of the burnout syndrome Occupational burnout is a process in which an employee progressively suffers and begins to develop a negative psychological reaction to their job with unhealthy consequences that can manifest themselves in the relationships with colleagues, clients, or family. According to OSHA, in its origins, burnout syndrome was identified to a greater extent in those professions that were related to public and client-facing roles and the symptoms that people with burnout may experience can be of three types:
  • Psychosomatic: chronic fatigue, insomnia, weight loss, hypertension, headaches
  • Emotional sensations: irritability, generalized anxiety, frustration
  • Behavioural symptoms: apathy, pessimism, difficulty concentrating, conflict
As a consequence, employees can show lack of motivation, changes in behaviour, absenteeism or lateness, reduction in productivity, suffer accidents on the job, verbalize health complaints, or suffer isolation, among others. If we are not attentive to the warning signs and let them go unnoticed, the result will lead to great burnout. How to prevent occupational fatigue? Nowadays, physical health shares the same importance as mental health. It is therefore worth investing in prevention, and the care of employees' emotional health. Happy employees lead to healthy companies with the help of Employee Assistance Programs (EAP). And this is where Healthy Work comes in. Healthy Work's EAP allows any employee and their family members going through a difficult time to receive immediate help. With a helpline 24h/7days, by phone, email, or through the Healthy Work APP, all employees have access to a wide range of resources and support, including psychological, legal, financial, and general assistance, as well as coaching, nutritional guidance, personal training consultations, and more. The service is entirely free and confidential for the employee. Getting help in the difficult moments that everyone goes through can help you get out of the abyss, especially in situations of work-related stress. Among some of its benefits, EAP improves employees' wellbeing and performance, increases their motivation, helps talent retention, and establishes a positive and supportive workplace climate. Making an investment in mental health prevention is not only a social responsibility, but also a wise investment in enhancing productivity. According to a 2020 Deloitte study, for every euro invested, there is a return of five euros. Learn more about Healthy Work and the Employee Assistance Programs HERE.
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