Zurich launches Sustainability Report - #BHHMembersInitiatives
For the fifth consecutive year, BHH member Zurich has published their Sustainability Report, the document that reflects their commitment to society, the environment and the stakeholders.
This document shows the performance of the Zurich Group in Spain in terms of corporate responsibility, from an environmental, economic and social point of view.
They aim to be one of the most responsible and impactful companies in the world. Under the title "Let's make it Epic", the Sustainability Report will explain more about their new way of working with a new hybrid model. It takes into account the well-being of their teams, their commitment to diversity that has been recognised by achieving major milestones such as EDGE LEAD certification.
It also relates to the broader community by promoting and supporting projects that contribute to youth employability and help the most vulnerable groups through alliances, volunteering, donations and other initiatives in line with the needs of the moment, together with the support of the Z Zurich Foundation.
All of this is aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with which they will continue to work towards a more sustainable model that respects society and the environment. Read more about it here!